Catechism Sermons 2009-2010

Rejoicing in Truth (LD 43; Eph. 4:25) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

When we were younger we learned that it was rude to lie. In fact, even today if you listen to…

14 years ago

Let the Thief Labor (LD 42; Ephesians 4:28) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

It is easy for us to go through life thinking that thieves and robbers belong in jail. It might be…

14 years ago

Living in the Temple (LD 41; 1 Cor. 6:12-20) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

When we think about the seventh commandment, the command against adultery, many times we may think that this command only…

14 years ago

But I Have Not Murdered (LD 40; Matt. 5:21-26; Gal 5:16-26) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

Many times we speak of a Christian ethic. What is a Christian ethic, and what is distinctively Christian about it?…

14 years ago

Motivation to Submit to Authority (LD 39; Ephesians 6:1-9) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

The apostle Paul tells children to obey their parents. It is after this command to children that Paul then tells…

14 years ago

Collecting on the Eighth Day (LD 38; 1 Cor. 16:1-4) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

Christian churches meet normally meet together on Sunday. Why do we come together on the first day of the week…

14 years ago

Can a Christian Take an Oath? (LD 37; Misc. Texts) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

Christians are asked to take oaths in the court of law, and in different circumstances. Is this practice of oath…

14 years ago

Living Not to Blaspheme (LD 36; Romans 14) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

Christian liberty is generally about what we can freely do in the confidence of faith without violating an explicit command…

14 years ago

Faith Comes Through Hearing (LD 35; Romans 10:14-17) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

If it is true that God calls his people before the foundation of the world then what is the point…

14 years ago

Is Idolatry Only False Worship? (LD 34; Ephesians 5:5) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

If we were asked about idolatry we probably would say that it is worshipping a god other than the Christian…

14 years ago